Corrective actions are vital to the safe functioning of any job site, and Site App Pro makes it simple to identify, assign and complete any action that is required.
When your team members identify a hazard, or another factor requiring corrective action, they can use the Site App Pro mobile app to quickly: Indicate which action is required Assign someone to the task Identify if it is a low, medium or high priority Attach a form, if appropriate, to the action Set a due date
We've worked hard to help Site App Pro help you. If you have identified many required corrective actions in the course of your day, you need to know how to prioritise. So, whenever someone assigns a user to a particular task they can tap a button identify its priority level, helping you and your team understand what needs doing first.
When assigned a corrective action, the relevant user will be notified via push notification on their mobile device. When they log in to Site App Pro they can check which action has been assigned to them, where it came from, and access any attached forms.
Site App Pro admin console users are able to see a summary of all corrective actions assigned and completed by users across job sites, to help measure the performance of the company and build meaningful reports.
Contact our team of friendly experts to book a 15-minute chat and we’ll walk you through the basics. Or, take Site App Pro for a spin yourself with a 14-day free trial! (No credit card required)