Whether you’re overseeing one job site or many, Site App Pro helps maintain total visibility of your people and their H&S obligations. Site App Pro has been designed to make life simple. Not only can it create, assign and store all your H&S forms, it helps you understand who is on-site at any given time, manage live hazards and corrective actions, compile lists of your assets and people, and remember when important due dates are coming up across build sites.
Site App Pro is built to scale with your business. If you’re managing multiple work sites, our Group functionality will enable you to maintain clear visibility across all of your teams - from a central, easy-to-read analytics dashboard.
Through the dashboard you can create and assign H&S forms for one or all job sites, manage everyone’s hazard, asset and team registers, live chat with key personnel or send group-wide messages, and best of all, track your most important data.
Monitor what’s going on across the organisation with just a glance, or drill into specific sites to learn more. Then it takes just the push of a button to generate reports that you can pass on to others within the company.
We’ve added a huge range of potential risks and hazards to Site App Pro, which you only need to tick or untick as they apply to your work sites. Or, if you don’t see the hazards that are relevant to you, it takes seconds to add custom options.
Assigning corrective actions is just as quick. The app is packed with a range of common corrective measures, or you can add your own.
With these features combined, any user with the Site App Pro mobile app who spots a hazard can open up the relevant form, select the hazard from a drop-down menu, assign the applicable corrective action, and then pass the word on to the accountable person. In this way, the process of identifying hazards and notifying someone has been simplified to a matter of a few button presses. Easy!
We’ve combined a raft of modern digital visitor management, worker check-in/out and geo-location tagging features to ensure that you always know who is on site at any given moment.
For your workers, checking into site is as simple as starting the Site App Pro mobile app and tapping a button. The app will automatically sign them out of a previous location if they haven’t done so themselves, and notify you of their location - so you can tell that, if someone checks in and they’re still a few kilometres away, they’re not actually quite there yet.
As for your visitors, they won’t need to download the mobile app or any new software. Simply create a custom QR code from the desktop admin console, print it out, stick it up by the door, and they can scan in that way.
Work sites covered by Site App Pro
H&S forms completed with Site App Pro
Customer Happiness Rating (Based on over 340 reviews)
Every 24.7 seconds a H&S form is completed in Site App Pro
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